2023 - 2024 Executive Board

President: Nikki Nyhanna

Vice President: Nina Carter

Secretary: Krystan Bacevich

Treasurer: Krystle Fuller

School Principal: Nicole Guernsey

Teacher Representative: Christina Goins


PRESIDENT – The President works closely with the Principal and administration; coordinates the work of the Officers and committees; creates the agenda for and presides at all PTO and Executive Board meetings; ex-officio member of committees; represents the Organization at all Elliott and School Town of Munster public forums; provides all school communication documenting important PTO and school information; and responsible for establishing a Nominating Committee and Auditing Committee. Also supports all committee work, produces communication to the membership and Chairs at least one event per year.

VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President acts as an aide to the President; performs the duties of the President in the absence of that officer; appoints and secures all committee chairs as approved by the Executive Board; acts as a liaison with all committee chairs; ex-officio member of committees; maintains committee files; and schedules all school assemblies sponsored by the Organization. VP typically serves as Chair of one event as well as participates in helping with all events. Helps with posting on social media.

SECRETARY – The Secretary records the minutes of all meetings of the Organization and Executive Board; handles and prepares correspondence; and maintains all formal documents of the Organization. Helps with posting all social media and maintaining the web site for the PTO. Also is responsible for management of our membership and producing the yearly directory.

TREASURER – The Treasurer is responsible for and has custody of all funds of the Organization; keeps a full and accurate account of the receipts and expenditures; makes disbursements as properly authorized by the President, Executive Board, and Organization; prepares financial reports for each meeting of the Organization and Executive Board; and prepares the books to be reviewed annually by the Auditing Committee.

EXECUTIVE BOARD – The PTO Executive Board is comprised of elected Officers, a Teacher Representative, and the Principal of the school. Together, the Executive Board transacts necessary business in the intervals between meetings of the Organization; creates and/or dissolves standing and special committees; presents a report at each meeting of the Organization; and prepares and presents a financial budget for the school year.