2023/2024 Elliott Arrival and Dismissal Plan

*Please note that these procedures may change prior to the beginning of the school year or after school has started.

ARRIVAL: Doors will open at 8:40. Student drop off begins at 8:40. Students must be in their classes to begin class at 9:00. No congregating outside the doors.

All Kindergarten students will enter Door L. Students will enter according to the directions below.

1st graders, 2nd graders, and 3rd graders-Door O

4th graders and 5th graders—Door N

Please pull all the way up when dropping your student(s) off. They will need to walk to the door they are assigned to enter. Staff members will be at all doors to assist. Buses will arrive at Door L.


Walkers and bike riders will be dismissed first this year. To ensure a safe dismissal, you must leave the school in a timely manner. Walkers must leave the premises immediately. Failure to do this may cause us to release these students last. This is for the safely of all students.

All walkers Kindergarten - 5th graders will be dismissed out Door A.

If you get out of your car and walk to the school to meet your child, he/she is considered a walker. Please park on Janice Lane. You may not park in the school parking lot to pick up walkers. Walnut has limited parking. Please follow the town’s parking signage.

Bikers: please walk your bike on the sidewalk. Bikers are to park their bike outside the door of the nearest direction to your home.

Car Riders: Parents must stay in cars and go through the pick-up line. Place number card in window visible to staff members. Students will be released from their classroom when their car number is entered. Kindergarten students and their siblings will dismiss out Door L. All other car riders will exit out of Door N when their name is projected to the student’s room. Pull all the way up and follow staff directives. Please do not walk up to Door N to pick up your student.

Please stay off mobile devices and pay attention to your surroundings. Allow your child to exit and enter from the PASSENGER SIDE of the car.

Per School Board policy, pets are not allowed on school property. Also, no smoking or vaping is allowed.

Receiving and dismissing approximately 460 students is a large task and one that requires the assistance of every teacher and staff member of Elliott.  Your cooperation in following the school expectations for these times greatly aids everyone in providing a smooth, efficient, and safe arrival and dismissal for all students.